Power the Docking Station P lu g th e po w e r adap te r in to a w ork in g ou tle t an d connec t th e o the r en d to th e D ock ing S ta tion 's po w e r adap te r jac k o n th e bac k pane l. Note: We recommend that you save any work and close all running programs before starting the installation process.

Setup and Software Installation When you plug the Universal Notebook Docking Station with VGA/DVI and Ethernet into your laptop for the first time, the software is automatically installed. Internet access for software updates In addition, for Windows Vista systems, we recommend a Windows Experience Index (WEI) score of at least 3 in the "Graphics Desktop performance for Windows Aero" category and an overall score of at least 3, as recommended by Microsoft.DVI or VGA display up to 1920 X 1200 (2048 X 1152 for widescreen format).For best results, we recommend the following minimum system configuration: Performance depends on the laptop's processing power. Windows 8 (added in version Video Driver Version: 0.0) Recommended System Specifications Kensington Docking Stations can be used on netbooks, laptops/laptops, and desktops running processors ranging from Intel Atom N270 to single, dual, and quad core CPUs.